Welcome to One Step Up
We prepare you for life
The future doesn’t belong to people with academic knowledge alone. It belongs to individuals who can push the world forward through innovation and creativity. It belongs to those who can evaluate outcomes using critical thinking. And to those who can solve problems through effective knowledge-sharing, collaboration and ideation. Question is, are you that individual? You certainly have the potential to be; but our current education system is not equipped to recognise or develop that potential. That’s why we’re here.
Our purpose is to take you on a journey of self-discovery to find yourself. Our work is focused on transforming you into a well-rounded, interesting and passionate individual empowered to find your True Calling and impact the world through it, forever.
One Step Up Store
The world’s waiting to see what you can do.
Aptitude, interest, ability, social and emotional intelligence – there’s plenty here for you to discover about yourself.



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